1985 Aston Martin V8 Volante LHD For Sale

Price: £199,950.00

Contact: +441508530491

Website: http://www.strattonmotorcompany.com

Company: Stratton Motor Company (32)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Norfolk, United Kingdom

Date listed: 13-08-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1946 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Aston Martin
Model: V8
Year: 1985
Body: Convertible
Transmission: Automatic
Driver's side: LHD


Aston Martin V8 Volante

Aston Martin had always intended the DBS to house its new V8 engine, but production difficulties meant that the car first appeared with the DB6's 4.0-litre six. Bigger and more luxuriously appointed than the DB6, the heavyweight DBS disappointed some by virtue of its slightly reduced performance, but there were no complaints when the V8 finally arrived in 1969. With an estimated 315bhp available from its 5,340cc four-cam motor, the DBS V8 could reach 100mph in under 14 seconds, running on to a top speed of 160mph, a staggering performance in those days and one which fully justified the claim that it was the fastest production car in the world.

After Aston Martin's acquisition by Company Developments in 1972, production resumed with the Series 2, now known as the Aston Martin V8 and distinguishable by a restyled front end recalling the looks of earlier Astons. The most successful Aston Martin ever, the V8 survived the changes of ownership and financial upheavals of the 1970s, enjoying a record-breaking production run lasting from 1969 to 1988, with 2,919 cars sold.

Described by former Aston Martin Chairman Victor Gauntlett as, 'a stylish thoroughbred, beautifully built, luxurious, fast and immensely safe,' the V8 was built in several variants, one of the more exclusive being the Volante convertible. Introduced in response to customers' demands for such a car, the Volante first appeared in June 1978. Arguably the ultimate in soft-top luxury, the newcomer boasted a lined, power-operated hood which, when erected, endowed the walnut embellished interior with all the solidity and refinement associated with the saloon version. Although its open-car aerodynamics meant that top speed suffered with the hood down, the Volante's 150mph maximum nevertheless ranked it among the world's fastest convertibles. V8 Volante and Vantage Volante chassis numbers ran from '15001' to '15849', a total of 849 cars.

Stratton Motor Company are pleased to offer this Aston Martin V8 Volante LHD

Finished in Dark Blue with Tan interior piped in Dark Blue with Blue carpets and Blue Leather dash roll and a Dark Mohair hood,
First registered in the UK January 2016, originally supplied to the USA in 1985
Bodywork to European specification,
This car has undergone a fairly extensive restoration including new interior, new Mohair hood, bare metal repaint and chassis work,
Automatic transmission,
Recorded mileage 48862

For further details please contact Roger or Marc on 07836 215560

Stratton Motor Company serving you since 1972.

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