Helpful tips on writing an effective vehicle ad
“Make sure to include the make, model, year and engine size. Preferably in the header.
The mileage can have a huge effect on the asking price but only if it can be validated.
Photos amount to a thousand words so try and include as many as you can.
If you have no photos then remember to mention such things as; colour, interior and transmission type.
Describe the condition of the vehicle, especially any damage and/or modifications and extras.
Mention when, if and/or how often the vehicle is used, MoT`d and serviced.
List your asking price as many people will not respond to adverts containing just words as; “offers” or “POA”. You can always add things like; ONO, Open to offers, PX, etc after your asking price.
Try to use good spelling and grammar as it can be an instant turn-off for some and try to NEVER write in block capitals.
Try not to make your vehicle ad look like a scam with short descriptions, blanked out registration plates and just an email address with no telephone number to contact you by.
Above all, the one most important thing your advert must be above anything else as not to waste your time, or that of any prospective buyer is, HONEST.
Good luck with sale of your vehicle, and who knows, if your vehicle falls into the bargain category we may contact you with an almost instant sale…:-)”