About Us
Classic Cars and Campers was founded by James Harvey, circa. 1995, after becoming somewhat despondent with the politics and confinements he associated with his corporate office life. On a whim he decided to follow his passion for all things classic and set about setting-up his own business, where has since enjoyed all the liberated freedom of expression this industry routinely provides.
After gradual but continual business success spread over approximately 2 decades, he then chose to re-brand and incorporate the company into what you now see before you today (Classic Cars and Campers Ltd).
After fully establishing the business within the classic car industry he then set about designing and creating a free-to-all website whereby traders and private sellers alike are free to advertise their vehicles for sale at absolutely no cost to themselves.
If you are ever in the market to buy, sell, or just view a classic car or camper, then please do feel free to use our growing website with the full support and compliments of ClassicCarsandCampers.co.uk. Alternatively, if you would just prefer to take the hassle out of selling your classic, and your asking price is within the market trade values, then please do feel free to drop us a line as we are always on the lookout for classics of any age, brand, mileage or condition.
“We are proud of what we are achieving, and we welcome all past, present and future customers to come aboard and join in our success by following, sharing, buying, selling, or just occasionally popping in on us as we truly welcome all.”
James Harvey
Founder, Investor and Enthusiast