Superbly built and presented 1971 Fiat Abarth 595 Replica For Sale

Price: £17,950.00

Contact: +447836226228


Company: St. Andrews Autos (39)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Middlesex, United Kingdom

Date listed: 06-10-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1916 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Fiat
Model: Abarth
Year: 1971
Body: Saloon
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: LHD


We are pleased to offer this absolutely fabulous Abarth 595 Replica which has been built to a high specification and is immaculately presented.
The body was restored from a bare shell in Novara, Italy by Ferrari and Lamborghini specialist, Carrozzeria Mariani. The work has been carried out to a very high standard at a reported cost of EUR 20,000. Modifications include cooling ducts in the rear wings and a Zagato style ‘double bubble’ roof.
The engine has been rebuilt to racing specification with a special big port cylinder head, larger valves and slipper pistons. Finned Abarth aluminium covers are fitted to the cooling housing and over the rockers and there is a solid aluminium Abarth distributor cover. The engine is fed by a very large Weber DCOE carburetter and a racing exhaust takes care of the other end. A stainless steel twin pipe sports exhaust comes with the car as an alternative.
A reconditioned Fiat 126 Biss gearbox has been fitted, offering a higher top gear and stronger synchomesh.
A full IFS kit has been fitted consisting of a new alloy cross member, rose jointed lower wishbones, new uprights, kingpins, hubs and seals. Fully adjustable coil-overs finish the job.
The car has a rack and pinion steering conversion.
Braking is taken care of by new, cross drilled, discs and pads at the front with drums at the rear.
Rear springs are the latest specification Abarth type with rubber cush mounts and steel supports.
The superb wheels are 13 x 7 Minilites fitted with low profile tyres.
New bumpers have recently been fitted front and rear.

Inside there are BB racing type bucket seats in the front while the rear is insulated and covered by rubber matting.
There are new door cards with Abarth logos and neat quick release fasteners are fitted to the boot and bonnet.
On the road it offers truly exciting performance from its 595cc with a soundtrack to match.

The car is superbly presented and clearly a lot of care has gone into the build and all the detail work.
It is offered at a fraction of what it would have cost to build.

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