1941 Willys Coupe Blown V8 Hot Rod For Sale
Price: £42,950.00
Contact: +447836226228
Website: http://www.standrewsautos.co.uk
Company: St. Andrews Autos (39)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Essex, United Kingdom
Date listed: 30-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1925 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
Superbly built , iconic 1941 Willys Hot Rod Coupe.
Feature car in Custom Car magazine in August 2015,and a top 5 at Billing NSRA the same year .
Correctly registered as a 1941 Willys Coupe.
Superbly built and engineered throughout. As clean and detailed underneath as it is on top.
Brief details are as follows:
Engine is a highly detailed 6v71 Blown, Chevy 350 +30 thou.,forged steel crank, I beam rods,Comp cam,Edelbrock inlet with 2 Edelbrock 600 carbs.
The gearbox is an upgraded 350,feeding a 4 linked Ford 9".
The car has a stainless exhaust system with the option of remote, electric opening headers... if your feeling inclined .
The body features some very subtle mods and has remote electric opening doors, electric windows etc .
Proffessionally Trimmed throughout with Tuck 'N' Roll Leather custom bench seat and door cards, and bound carpets. The boot is finished to the same exquisite standard ...
She starts runs and drives beautifully,and is very civilised on the road and in traffic.
Please call Andrew on the details below for more details.
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