1972 Ford Cortina MK3 2.0 GT Crayford Convertible Auto For Sale
Price: £14,950.00
Contact: +447836226228
Website: http://www.standrewsautos.co.uk
Company: St. Andrews Autos (39)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Essex, United Kingdom
Date listed: 30-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1947 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
Very rare, CRAYFORD CORTINA MK3 2.0 GT Automatic
Crayford called this the 'Sunshine Conversion' and involved removing only the roof of a Ford Cortina Mk 3. The convertible roof can be rolled back to the boot and covered with a tonneau.This helped keep structural rigidity, and therefore it drives much better than their earlier conversions.
Built in 1972 , she was registered in March 1973 at Bristol Street Motors,Birmingham,Like many other Crayfords.
This particular car was based on a MK3 Cortina 2.0 GT 2 door, and is fitted with an automatic gearbox .
The car was fully restored & rebuilt around 10 years ago . The engine was also fully rebuilt with a sports cam. At the same time the interior was retrrimmed in Tan leather. The roof was also redone in a matching colour.
After the restoration, the car won best Cortina at Symonds Yat Cortina day in 2012
Since this work, the cover has covered just 7000 miles, and has also been well maintained with genuine Ford parts.The car is still in excellent condition today, and drives very well .
This car offers you the oportunity to drive something very rare, practical and easy to maintain,whilst gently appreciating in your garage.
The eagle eyed amoungst you will spot that the car has a later model dashboard. I know not why, but the complete original dash, clocks ( reading 22,000 miles only),4 cluster of GT dials, glovebox lid etc come with the car.
As always, we'll be happy to offer a part exchange with any other classic car.
Please contact Andrew on the details below or email using the button below