1964 Ford Cortina 1500 2 Door Deluxe For Sale

Price: £12,950.00

Contact: +447836226228

Website: http://www.standrewsautos.co.uk

Company: St. Andrews Autos (39)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Essex, United Kingdom

Date listed: 30-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1932 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Ford
Model: Cortina
Year: 1964
Body: Saloon
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: RHD


Rare example of a MK1 Consul Cortina 1500 2 Door ,finished in its original Aqua Blue, as confirmed on the chassis plate.

This is a highly desirable model being the pre airflow 2dr version that could lend itself to a Lotus or GT conversion if desired. The car would look great on a set on Lotus Steels.

This car is in excellent condition throughout and has only covered a genuine 95,000 miles from new .The car came from an avid classic collector who recently rebuilt the engine & gearbox less than 1000 miles ago. She really is a lively performer. It doesnt actually feel much slower than the GT I have .

She has also had a Disc Brake upgrade on the front and new brake shoes and wheel cylinders on the rear, all new flexi brake pipes, New carb, starter motor, Distributor (Electronic Ignition) Clutch, Master Cylinder, Alternator Conversion, Propshaft U.J’s, Rear spring bushes Anti Roll Bar, battery, tyres, track rod ends etc.

She presents really well, starts on the button and drives really well .

I'm always happy to accept another classic in part exchange and can arrange delivery

Please contact Andrew on the details below, or email me at using the button below

Thank you for reading.

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