1932 Ford Model B Highboy Roadster V8 Hot Rod For Sale
Price: £26,950.00
Contact: +447836226228
Website: http://www.standrewsautos.co.uk
Company: St. Andrews Autos (39)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Essex, United Kingdom
Date listed: 30-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1932 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
We sold this fabulous car 5 years ago, and we are priviledged to have been able to buy it back.
The car will be stock from next week.
Build Spec of 32 Roadster
Chassis: Jerry Dennning swaged line boxed chassis front end cross drilled and sleeved
Back axle Ford 9” with 3.77 locker diff , narrowing carried out by Andy Robinson race cars ford 10” drums with replica buick drum covers
Engine Fuel Injected Ford 460 , msd distributor and 6AL coil pack, ( engine full rebuild about 2000 miles ago)
Gearbox Ford C6 with TCI shift kit , Gear stick Lokar and hand brake lever
Brake Servo Speedway
Front end I beam Pete and Jakes cross drilled and chromed leaf spring chromed 40`s ford spindles with Buick drums pete and Jakes shock absorbers
Steering column Limeworks , with Limeworks 40` Ford steering wheel
Radiator Walker 32 replica
Dash board 40`s Ford with Haneline instruments
Body Rodshop fibreglass with a louvered boot skin
Interior Premier autotrim full leather and boot to match , bench seat has heater pads for warm winter driving
Hood ezz up custom hood ( altered to drop the height for lower look
Wiring loom EZ loom
Title ( V5C) 1932 Ford cabriolet
I have a choice of two sets of wheels
American torque thrust D`s ( radials )
Wheelsmith artillery ( cross plies)
Also have a hood and sides which have been louvered but not finished off or painted also have a set of the limeworks spring leather hood hold downs
Please call Andrew on the details below or using the button below