1930 Austin 7 GE Cup Model Replica For Sale

Price: £14,995.00

Contact: +447836226228

Website: http://www.standrewsautos.co.uk

Company: St. Andrews Autos (39)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Essex, United Kingdom

Date listed: 30-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1932 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Austin
Model: Seven
Year: 1930
Body: Convertible
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: RHD


This is a very nicely constructed replica of a Gordon England Cup Model Austin 7 using all Vintage components.
The chassis dates from October 1930 as does the coil ignition engine.
The gearbox is the correct non synchromesh three speeder with a higher first gear installed. The back axle is the correct Vintage three piece type with a new cwp. The brakes are coupled cable operated as per original.
The engine features a dynamically balanced Phoenix crank, Austin con rods, larger inlet valves, double valve springs and an aluminium sump. A high compression cylinder head is fitted with a sidedraught 1 1/8” SU carburettor.
The body was built by the constructor of the car using a set of full size drawings and he made a lovely job of it. It features a fabric covering over an ash frame with a steel bonnet and full length aluminium mudguards. He also fabricated all the metal fittings.
The electrics have been upgraded to 12 volt with a 2 brush dynamo and electronic voltage control. LED bulbs are fitted throughout and direction indicators have fitted too.
The car sits on rebuilt wheels with new Blockley tyres.
On the road the performance is very sprightly in spite of the car having covered just a few miles since the rebuild. The steering is pin sharp and the car is a joy to drive.
The car comes with a decent quantity of useful spares as well as bills from its rebuild. The car is correctly registered as a 1930 Austin Seven and is therefore eligible for VSCC events as a Vintage car.
This is a cracking little car and one which is sure provide the next owner with a huge amount of fun for a modest outlay.

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