1973 Steyr Puch 500 S.Fiat Superb Condition For Sale
Price: £14,950.00
Contact: +447836226228
Website: http://www.standrewsautos.co.uk
Company: St. Andrews Autos (39)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Essex, United Kingdom
Date listed: 30-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1931 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
Here we have a lovely & rare Steyr Puch 500 S.
The car has received a recent sympathetic restoration in order to bring it up to its current condition, which is now excellent throughout .
The Steyr Puch 500 was a city car produced by the Austrian manufacturer Puch, a subsidiary of Steyr-Daimler-Puch in Graz. It was built under licence from Fiat and was based on the Fiat 500.
As well as being very rare and desirable, the engine was a superior unit to the Fiat,bring a two-cylinder 20 HP flat engine which proved to be far more smooth-running than the straight-twin engine used by Fiat. It brought good driving behaviour for its time, especially in mountain rides.
The rear end styling was unique, and we think its much more interesting than a Fiat 500 .
This little car drives really well, and would easily keep up with modern city traffic . It easily goes off the clock and will comfortably reach 70 MPH.
It has only covered 60,000 kms from new, which is only 38000 miles .
The car is currently German registered, but I'm happy to register it in the UK, if the car stays here.
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We are always happy to take anything interesting in part exchange,and can arrange delivery.
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