1966 Ford Mustang Fastback 289 V8 GT350 Evocation For Sale

Price: £32,950.00

Contact: +447836226228

Website: http://www.standrewsautos.co.uk

Company: St. Andrews Autos (39)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Middlesex, United Kingdom

Date listed: 30-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1931 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Ford
Model: Mustang
Year: 1966
Body: Coupe
Transmission: Automatic
Driver's side: LHD


This lovely 66 fastback has been in the UK for 5 years, and for that time has been treasured by its owner, who has spent a small fortune on her..

The car is still in its original colour of Candy Apple Red Metallic, but now benefits from GT 350 styling with painted stripes.

The interior has been upgraded with leather, and more comfortable front seating with seatbelts,new Stewart Warner gauges and a quality HiFi system.

There are invoices with the car, from UK specialists totalling over £10,000 for various improvement and maintenance works.

It has also recently beneftted from a new alloy radiator and electric fan.

The car also has power steering,disc brakes,stainless steel exhaust .

The car drives very well, pulls strongly and its C4 Automatic gearbox changes smoothly.

The condition is excellent throughout .

We are happy to accept an interesting part exchange, and can arrange finance at competitive rates

Please contact Andrew via our website or email using the button below

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