1987 Fiat X1/9 1500 with 24,500 miles For Sale

Price: £9,950.00

Contact: +447711645465

Website: http://www.stonecoldclassics.com

Company: Stone Cold Classics Ltd (14)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Kent, United Kingdom

Date listed: 19-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1945 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Fiat
Model: X1/9
Year: 1987
Body: Convertible
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: RHD


A fully sorted and hugely fun Fiat X1/9 converted to look like an early car.

With six former keepers, our car has been transformed to its present state by the last owner with an eye to make a retro looking X1/9 with awesome handling. With just 24,500 warranted miles, we have a ream of bills from the last two years totaling over £17,000!! Jobs done including sourcing a set of Cromodora wheels, a set of super-sticky Michelin TB15s (£750!),full cooling system rebuild, brake rebuild, full Koni coil over suspension kit, Recaro seats, 1300 X1/9 bumper kit, full re-paint, new carbs and full set up, full service in January 2017 including cambelt at 23,800 miles and much, much more. We have 16 historic MOT certificates and historic bills to warrant the mileage. The current MOT is valid until June 2020.

Mirror finish black paint all over with no rust, recently wax-oiled, excellent interior and very clean under the bonnet/boot. Wheels have been refurbished and we have a full, clear Experian check and a full set of keys.

We are 30 seconds from junction 2a off the M26 and 5 minutes from junction 2 off the M20. Viewing strictly by appointment. Call us ANYTIME on the details below to view or for a friendly chat. Part exchange considered. All our cars are prepared to the highest standards and can be viewed in our brand new fully lit unit, day or night. FINANCE AVAILABLE ON THIS CAR. Ask for a quote.

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