Aston Martin DB7 V12 Vantage For Sale
Price: £16,995.00
Contact: +44 1284 810411
Company: Classic Prestige (7)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Suffolk, United Kingdom
Date listed: 27-10-2024
Uploaded / Last Updated: 92 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
This rare colour DB7 V12 Vantage is very much an attention grabber not being grey or silver!
An metronomic and stella history also impresses
The colour termed "Thursso Red" is stirking, and as in layman's view is Maroon or Plum but definetly rare as very few were made, so the car has that rarity factor as well as stand out
The service history is very good and nearly all Aston main dealer with a couple being specialist
Service details:
635 miles
4549 miles
11409 miles
18344 miles
26619 miles
33335 miles
45478 miles
49478 miles
53387 miles
55841 miles
57629 miles
58020 miles
58826 miles
61933 miles
62000 miles
64329 miles
64957 miles
65420 miles
67624 miles
In addition there has been significant expenditure incurred to a value of approximately £16000 including a replacement diff, upholstery work and paint protection undertaken and more.... mostly by Aston.
A truly special example - if you're going to have an AM Vantage have a v12 and one that is not run of the mill