Mercedes E220 Cabriolet (W124) For Sale
Price: £7,995.00 ONO
Contact: +44 1284 810411
Company: Classic Prestige (7)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Suffolk, United Kingdom
Date listed: 27-10-2024
Uploaded / Last Updated: 24 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
A genuine four seater cabriolet with great history and only 4 owners
A practical and stylish four-seater convertible that is gaining in value given its appeal and rarity. With an impressive Service History showing nearly metronomic regular servicing. Hood is good working condition as is the interior with unmarked full grey leather, bodywork is equally clean.
4 -speed switchable auto, driver and passenger airbags, front and rear armrests, central storage box, illuminated vanity mirrors, infra-red remote central locking, original 8 hole alloy wheels, radio/CD player, all original handbooks and documented history.
With stamped book and all previous MOTs
3602 miles
9115 miles
18403 miles
27664 miles
36277 miles
44913 miles
53399 miles
62787 miles
74814 miles
82503 miles
92778 miles
94368 miles
108440 miles
117001 miles
120731 miles
121631 miles
127927 miles
129738 miles
130014 miles
A stylish open top cruiser