1981 Jeep CJ 5 Immaculate - SOLD For Sale
Price: £12,995.00 ONO
Contact: +44 7790 016214
Website: https://www.arunholdings.co.uk/?page_id=1221
Company: Arun Holdings (18)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 21-08-2024
Uploaded / Last Updated: 120 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
This Jeep CJ-5 was manufactured in 1981 and first registered in the UK in July 1984.. It is LHD as originally supplied in the USA.
It has undergo an extensive nut and bolt restoration over a number of years with numerous new parts fitted. In addition modifications have been made to fit the owners taste.
The Jeep is fitted with the 2500cc (150cuin) AMC14 petrol engine and a 4 speed manual gearbox.
In addition to the many new parts the Jeep comes with a set of doors and soft top that have never been fitted to the car.
Loads of potential for summer fun or serious off-roading.
Contact me for more details.