MGB Limited Edition Roadster For Sale
Price: POA
Contact: +441908270672
Video: Open
Company: Classicmobilia (66)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 23-05-2024
Uploaded / Last Updated: 229 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
With ONLY 9256 documented miles, this must be one of the most original cars, the only change was the wire wheels to the original LE GKN wheels from wires.
From new the car underwent, Genuine Ziebart Rust Protection and Undercoating which is visible that the chassis is still in like new order.
The paint shines and the trim has not distorted, the engine bay is clean and tidy and the boot un-used. The car's hood fits well as does the tonneau cover.
The car drive's like new with that distinctive exhaust note.
One special motor car and not to be repeated.