Jaguar XJS HE Coupe For Sale

Price: POA

Contact: +441908270672


Company: Classicmobilia (66)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

Date listed: 24-04-2024

Uploaded / Last Updated: 259 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Jaguar
Model: XJS
Year: 1981
Body: Coupe
Transmission: Automatic
Driver's side: RHD


The Jaguar XJS V12 Coupe is considered a classic and has a devoted fan base. While it faced criticism for its departure from the iconic E-Type design, the XJS has gained recognition for its long-distance touring capabilities, luxury features, and, of course, the powerful V12 engine.

Despite being produced for over two decades, the XJS maintained a certain level of exclusivity, and well-maintained examples are sought after by collectors today. The car's distinctive design and luxurious features contribute to its status as a classic Jaguar model.

This outstanding Jaguar XJS has been subject to a complete refurbishment to the highest standards and is in beautiful condition and drives so well.

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