Porsche 944 S2 Convertible For Sale
Price: £11,750.00 ONO
Contact: +441908270672
Website: http://https://www.classicmobilia.com/showroom/17047105-porsche-944-convertible/
Video: Open
Company: Classicmobilia (37)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 24-04-2024
Uploaded / Last Updated: 10 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
The Porsche 944 S2 Convertible remains a sought-after classic among Porsche enthusiasts. Its unique combination of performance, open-top driving experience, and Porsche's build quality contribute to its appeal. The 944 series, in general, is recognized for its attainable entry into the world of high-performance sports cars.
As with many classic Porsches, well-maintained examples of the 944 S2 Convertible are valued by collectors and enthusiasts who appreciate its blend of practicality, performance, and iconic Porsche design.
This stunning looking Porsche 944 S2 cabro finished in the unusual and rare Tahoe Blue such a good looking and is fine fettle, worthy of a viewing.