1939 MG TA Tickford Drophead Coupe - one owner 55 years For Sale

Price: £39,750.00

Contact: +447973731508

Website: https://www.charlesleith.com/cars-for-sale/1939-mg-ta-tickford-dhc-owned-55-years-since-age-17-for-sale

Company: Charles Leith Ltd (21)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom

Date listed: 13-12-2023

Uploaded / Last Updated: 206 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: MG
Model: TA
Year: 1939
Body: Convertible
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: RHD


1939 MG TA Tickford Drophead Coupe

Another lovely car history - this matching numbers car was a 17th birthday gift to the present owner in 1968 from his father – so now in single ownership for 55 years!

NB : Another TA Tickford owner known to me is is 6' 4" / 1.93 metres tall - therefore legroom is not a problem for tall people. (Adjustable Steering column rake)

Believed purchased from a lady in Manchester for £110, the first owner is recorded as a Mr. C.P. Hough – also of Manchester.

The Tickford coachwork was completed by Salmons on 17 May 1939.

In excess of £30,000 was spent with Naylor MG Restorations who totally restored this MG from 1980 onwards, completing the restoration 10 years later in 1990. It was the first Tickford they had restored.

All invoices from Naylors, together with the recent work are available. The hood and leather upholstery were made by Collingburn.

Around a further £11,500 was spent in the Winter of 2020/21 on a major overhaul of the brakes, new radiator, fuel tank, and a full service carried out with South West Classic Cars

The car has been very lightly used since the restoration.

In 2012 the MG was taken on one trip to Ireland for the vendor’s son’s wedding, as shown.

The older photo of this car with the beige hood was taken in 1979 when the car was in original condition, about to go off to Naylor MG Restoration the following year for restoration in 1980


At school our vendor owner was a member of the school’s Motoring Society which was mainly interested in older cars and films of old Grand Prix and Le Mans races. The family of one of the members of the society owned a Speed 6 Bentley, whilst for the rest of us MGs were a more affordable alternative.

Our vendor ran the car until around 1976, when he and his wife then worked in Tanzania for 3 years. The car was in need of restoration by this time, and so the car was sent to Naylors as documented above, in 1980

Alistair Naylor told him that it was the first Tickford they had restored, and said that they had commissioned 10 ash frames for use in future projects as a speculation in order to reduce the costs of an individual frame.


Although we attempt to ensure accuracy of any statement or detail, the customer must make his or her own judgement in purchasing this car. The purchaser of the above car understands that he or she is purchasing a historic motor car with components that are up to 84 years old and sold as a collector item. There is no warranty given or implied due to the age of the car

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