FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM SWB 2.2 100PS 2013 ONLY 520 MILES !!!!! For Sale
Price: £32,000.00
Contact: +441484861100
Company: Wellhouse Leisure (37)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 27-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1916 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
Yes that’s correct only 520 miles, why ? This was a development van for Drivelodge who make our elevating roofs it was registered in 2013 and then basically sat in a workshop and used for developing the elevating roof and the high top roofs for the Ford Custom. It has a Drivelodge conversion and is a fixed 2 seater rear seat, passenger swivel seat and side conversion. Extras that can be added would be drivers seat swivel and fly off handbrake £400, Eberspacher diesel heating £1000, upper roof bed £250. This really is a one off buy with just about delivery mileage.
Stock Number: 2569
Chassis Number: TBC
Stock Status: In stock ready to go
Warranty: One Year
Location: Huddersfield
Vehicle Spec
Registration: YJ63ZWL
Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Transit Custom
Year: 2013
Mileage: 521
Engine Size: 2200
Gearbox: Manual 6 speed
Width: 2.0m
Height: 2.07m
Length: 4.97m
Vehicle Features
Seat Belts: 4 x 3-point
Power Steering: Yes
Electric Mirrors: Yes
Fuel Type: Diesel
2/4 Wheel Drive: 2-wheel
Vinyl Floor: Yes
Alloy Wheels: Yes
Stereo/CD: Yes
Height Adjustable Steering Wheel: Yes
Cab to rear access: Yes
ABS: Yes
Electric Windows: Yes
Drivers Airbag: Yes
Central Locking: Yes
Rear Tinted Glass: Yes