Jaguar SS100 1968 By Birchfield For Sale

Price: POA

Contact: +441322669081


Company: Peter Jarvis (42)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Middlesex, United Kingdom

Date listed: 26-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1936 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Jaguar
Model: SS100
Year: 1968
Body: Convertible
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: RHD


Jaguar SS 100 built in 1968 by the famous Birchfield coach builders in hand crafted aluminum, based on the 1936 SS 100.
These cars are very rare only 22 were ever made this is number 12, these cars have over tripled in price in the last few years, because of the investment side of it, plus they drive beautiful. Hardly ever for sale although we have had six of these masterpieces.
Finished in gleaming (black tulip) with matching hide interior piped in red, matching carpets, headrests, walnut veneer dash board, power steering, manual with overdrive, sparkling chrome wire wheels,with white side tyres, large chrome headlights with chrome mesh grills. Twin spots, radio stereo,triple carbs, 4.2 litre, 4 pot vented discs brakes, all weather equipment, probably the finest coach built repro in the world this car is just breathtaking POA

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