1976 Triumph Stag 3 Litre V8 Convertible Historic Vehicle For Sale
Price: £16,495.00
Contact: +441405860021
Website: http://www.yorkshirecartrade.co.uk
Company: Yorkshire Trade Car Centre Limited (37)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 23-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1940 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
Finished in Mimosa yellow with black ambla trim, this Stag has recently had thousands of pounds spent on a full restoration.
We have also been informed by the last owner that the Stag has had a full professional repaint including body, fully reconditioned engine, fully reconditioned gearbox and brake pipes fitted.
The current V5 comes with the Stag and shows only 6 owners from new.
There is no VOSA MOT history with the vehicle, as it has been stood a very long time.
Looking at the vehicle enquiry it shows that the vehicle was last taxed in 1989 and also within the paperwork is an old MOT dated 1988 (expired in 1989) when the vehicle was suspected to be last on the road.
The current milometer shows only 31,890 which we have been assured is the true mileage. We been advised by the last owner and a few others who knew the car previously. The paper work also tallies up as the last MOT with the paper work is dated 1988 and shows 29,729 miles on the clock. As mentioned previously this is the last time the Stag is suspected to have been on the road. However with all our cars due to age we cannot guarantee the mileage, so please make your own enquiries.
Within the paper work are recent parts invoices purchased for the restoration and a clear HPI certificate.
Now 43, the vehicle can be registered as a historic vehicle benefiting from tax and MOT exemption.