1965 Triumph Herald 12/50 Saloon Historic Vehicle For Sale
Price: £3,995.00
Contact: +441405860021
Website: http://www.yorkshirecartrade.co.uk
Company: Yorkshire Trade Car Centre Limited (37)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 23-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1940 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
Selling as a usable starter classic, that will need some improvements in areas; the Herald is registered on its current V5 log book as an historic vehicle benefiting from tax and MOT exemption. The last MOT registered expired on the 6th July 2016.
Without a doubt, one of the most detailed maintenance histories on a classic I have ever had the pleasure to look through. It seems as though no paperwork has gone astray since the vehicle was supplied new by Rex Judd in April 1965.
Within the paper work is the original suppliers purchase invoice, original warranty document from Halls and Finchley LTD and very early service and repair invoices from the supplying main dealer.
The Triumph boasts a low ownership, with only 5 owners from new, a very low recorded mileage and has the bonus of a Webasto roof. The first lady owner bought the Triumph from new and kept it up until January 1994, just under 29 years!
The vehicle has covered a mere 55,147 miles, however with what it has lacked in mileage it has NOT lacked in upkeep. It is clear to see from the paper work that each of the 5 owners weren’t shy on spending their money on servicing and maintenance.
The last lady owner, who first bought the car in April 2011, has clearly spent lots of money and time maintaining the classic over the 8 years of her ownership. There are invoices for servicing, maintenance, parts, MOTs and professional cleaning invoices. While in her ownership it is clear to see that the Triumph was a much loved possession and participated in several classic car shows.
The Triumph has had recent paintwork, mechanical works, new carpets fitted and has had seat belts fitted in the front seats.
Within the paper work for the classic is the original Triumph Herald owners handbook, original service book with 4 early stamps, lots and lots of old MOT certificates along with inspection sheets that show a very detailed mileage history back to 1970, old tax discs, copy of old style V5 and licencing letters, service invoices and maintenance bills dating back to 1967, valuation certificates detailing sale price, mileage history and maintenance works carried out.
The Triumph was sold to us with a genuine mileage of 55,147 and looking at the paper work there is everything in there to support it (however please make your own enquiries). The current milometer reads 36,879 however there is evidence to document a change of speedometer in 1971 at 18,268 by the supplying main dealer.