1997 Immaculate! TVR 500 Chimaera L800TVR plate included For Sale
Price: £22,750.00
Contact: +447824522371
Website: http://www.amoreautos.co.uk
Company: AmoreAutos Ltd (20)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 21-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1942 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
L800TVR – This wonderfully restored 500 headed for Austria after being privately sold. Unfortunately, the Austrian authorities have forced the new owner to return the car to the UK (or pay a massive ransom).
The car is now with Amore and will be sold with our Amore warranty as it’s so good.
This car is stunning in silver and sat on SP12 wheels.
This list of works is huge. Just a few are: upgraded brakes, refurbished steering rack, clutch master, upgraded wheels, Clive F Manifolds and Y piece, Battery relocated to boot in lovely carbon box, Fuse board now behind seat for easy access, New carpets, recent new paint, new dash, upgraded adjustable shocks, full geo, new hood, chassis treated with Dinitrol, silicone hose kit, Cam and various engine upgrades at approx 60k miles…and so it goes on! The current speedo shows 7k miles but this was changed at 73k so the true mileage is approx 81k although this car is as good as one with just 20k miles!
In summary this is a fabulous car.
Please call for videos, more information, or viewings.
We are appointment only to allow for test drive and ramp inspections.