2001 Stunning Paris Blue Powers 4.3 Mk1 TVR Tuscan Only 34k miles For Sale
Price: £32,995.00
Contact: +447824522371
Website: http://www.amoreautos.co.uk
Company: AmoreAutos Ltd (20)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 21-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1942 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
BE WARNED! This wonderful Powers 4.3L engine makes your heartbeat and know you are alive!
The colour of this car in Paris Blue is lovely having had a respray in 2016 which is nicely complemented with Blue/Navy interior.
The car has been maintained by Powers Performance ensuring anything that needed doing was!
Recent works included steering rack, bushes and wishbones so the car is at optimum performance following full geometry. This is a cracking drive!
Full history and service file. Powers Warranty till June 2021 for full peace of mind.
In summary, the paint, chassis and trim are all very good and the engine is epic!
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We are appointment only so you get chance to inspect the cars on our ramps and test drive.