Only 2 owners from new! TVR Griffith 5.0L 1999, 46k miles For Sale

Price: £26,995.00

Contact: +447824522371


Company: AmoreAutos Ltd (20)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Date listed: 21-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1942 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: TVR
Model: Griffith
Year: 1999
Body: Convertible
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: RHD


Only 2 owners from new! TVR Griffith 5.0L 1999, 46k miles new Cam!

Lady owner for the last 20 years (car less 1 month old at time of purchase).

It’s not often we get to say that about the brutal 5l Griffith! It’s just a shame there are not more lady drivers out there. The owner of this car, however, is a little special.

Many in the TVR world with remember Carolann from TVR Tasmin racing days. This lovely car has been her daily drive for 20 years. The car is Imperial Blue with classic cream leather trim and wooden dash and is totally original.

As you would expect, it’s been mechanically maintained to peak performance with the Cam being replaced at 39,000 miles and a new set of Toyo’s in the last few weeks.

Central chassis is excellent, and the price advertised includes a new set of outriggers that will be fitted this winter to ensure the cars value is maintained.

MOT’d till 30th September ready to drive away for the summer.

The car has a full-service history and is supplied with an Amore 6-month warranty. (Can be extended). The private plate K400GRF is included.

Please call, email or message for videos or to arrange a viewing.

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