1982 Mercedes Benz 200 - 1 Owner 75k For Sale

Price: £5,995.00

Contact: +441875738980

Website: http://www.carcavescotland.co.uk

Company: Car Cave (Scotland) Ltd (21)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: County Durham, United Kingdom

Date listed: 18-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1945 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Mercedes-Benz
Model: W123
Year: 1982
Body: Saloon
Transmission: Automatic
Driver's side: RHD


One owner 75000 Miles Mercedes Benz 200 W123 Series. This car was recently imported from the dry climate of South Africa and it is now fully UK registered with 11 months and ready to drive away. The car is solid from front to back and very very origoinal. We have the original handbooks, service book which shows some service history. The plastic is still on the inner sills at parts covering the carpets. we bought it from the original owner and he claims that apart from him nobody else had even driven the car from new.

Body - All original panels and underneath is completely rot free. Original paintwork as well by the look of it. Car looks good. There are a few marks and touch ups as you would expect om a car of its age but very original. Minor pin bubbles showing on bottom of drivers wing and starting to show under rear window. These are very minor and if dealt with will be an easy tidy up. Overall the car is very original and almost rot free.

Interior - All original and very tidy. No sagging or wear on seats. Everything seems to work as it should. Nothing needs doing inside, just keep it clean.

Mechanics - Passed its mot very recently so everything is in order. Car drives very well with no dramas. You could jump in this car tomorrow and drive the length of the country with no problems. Starts first turn of the key every time.

Wheels - Standard steel and chrome hubcaps and good tyres

Please feel free to come and see the car. We have a ramp so you can inspect the car underneath. Delivery can be arranged if required. Please ask for a quote.

Any questions please ask or call 07879557668

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