1966 Ford Corsair 1.7 V4 Auto For Sale

Price: £5,995.00

Contact: +441875738980

Website: http://www.carcavescotland.co.uk

Company: Car Cave (Scotland) Ltd (21)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: County Durham, United Kingdom

Date listed: 18-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1945 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Ford
Model: Corsair
Year: 1966
Body: Saloon
Transmission: Automatic
Driver's side: RHD


Ford Corsair 1.7 V4 Auto, 86000 Miles, 2 Previous Owners. This car was hidden away for about 30 to 35 tears in dry storage and was then restored in 2009 with not a huge amount of use since. Its very very solid and original in terms of the metal work. It appears to be all original underneath as do the arches, sills etc. Structurally definitely the best one ive seen. Car was painted when it was restored and is very presntable. There is some microblistering appearing here and there. Mechanically the car is very good, It starts first time and the engine is quiet with no smoke nor rattles. Gearbox works as it should. Slight leak from gearbox sump so may need a gasket replacing at some point in the future. Genuine Lotus steels have been fitted.
The interior is all original and in very good order.
Overall a very solid original old car which is on the button and can drive away. Rare to find one as solid and original. Please feel free to come and see the car. We have a ramp so you can inspect underneath.
Delivery can be arranged if required. Please ask for a quote.

Any questions please ask or call the details below

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