Jaguar XJR 2001 Model Year, 44k rust free car For Sale

Price: £10,995.00

Contact: +447845600278


Company: Jag West London (64)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Middlesex, United Kingdom

Date listed: 16-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1942 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Jaguar
Model: XJR
Year: 2001
Body: Coupe
Transmission: Automatic
Driver's side: RHD


Vehicle Description
A superb very low mileage and totally original condition throughout, British Racing Green with Ivory leather, only 44k miles, almost like new throughout and very hard to find in this colour, if your looking for rust free, original and near perfect then you must view. Very high condition report.

Full details to follow, due in approx 12 weeks

Vehicle Warranty
6 months warranty for engine and transmission

Built in the UK to the same standards and specification, (we only have to replace a very small number of items to make indistinguishable to a UK car but without the corrosion.)

Unlike similar classic cars these examples has lived in Japan where they don’t use salt on most roads, the climate is warm and dry, but not intense heat such as other hot countries. This creates the perfect environment for a car to live and as a result cars do not deteriorate or age there like normal vehicles would elsewhere. So these cars still retain that 'new look sheen to the coach-works, glass, chrome and no fade to the leather seats or carpets.

These cars are often highly optioned so most will have almost all boxes ticked from the manufacturer!

Vehicles are also are subject to the “Japanese Shaken” a strict government test to ensure cars on Japanese roads are kept to an extremely high standard, as cars get older this gets stricter, and as a result most cars are not kept longer than 6 or 7 years, so classic cars of this age still in Japan are rare indeed. You will be amazed by the condition of the underside chassis and components, liken it to something made only 2-3 years ago with photos to prove!

Road tax and Insurance is all as per UK cars, no loading or special conditions apply.

Japan is a very congested place, road tolls are high, and as a result many use Japans far advanced public transport systems on a daily basis, hence cars get far less use which results in very low mileage and most often live in garages so not exposed to the rain or sun when not being used.

Finally, Jaguar cars like this that were imported into Japan were vastly expensive when new, and deemed special from day one, Japanese owners have a culture of keeping special cars such as this a long time, so many have been in very long term and enthusiastic ownership and really pampered which is demonstrated in overall condtion

Our preparation process includes;
Replace plastic speedo face to MPH
Switch dashboard language to English
Fit UK Sat Nav Disk
Radio frequencies switched UK spectrum upto 107 FM
Removal of any non standard equipment and window sun film protection (The Japanese love a gadget!)
Full UK registration with new V5
Optional replacement of boot number plate plinth to UK style
Finally the car will go through our detailed process of mechanical and electrical inspection where anything found needing is replaced or repaired, body and interior thoroughly detailed and finished of with a machine polish and a full professional valet.

In summary if you want a Jaguar that has the look, feel and drive of something thats only say 3-5 years old then this has to be a must!

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