1989 PORSCHE Turbo (930) Coupe G50 gearbox For Sale
Price: £129,000.00
Contact: +447909966112
Website: http://www.rorystokes.com
Company: Rory Stokes (5)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom
Date listed: 12-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1951 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
Finished in Pewter grey with light grey leather sports seats piped in white and has grey carpets. Comes with air conditioning , electric sunroof and central locking.
This car comes from a small but significant collection of cherry picked supercars. The owner spent ages looking for the right example with the rare G50 5 speed gearbox and when he found this he had to have it. That is - after a thorough inspection at Porsche which it passed with flying colours.
It has a full service history and is in superb condition.