1960 PORSCHE 356B Roadster Super 90 Type 5 For Sale

Price: £169,000.00

Contact: +447909966112

Website: http://www.rorystokes.com

Company: Rory Stokes (5)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom

Date listed: 12-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1951 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Porsche
Model: 356
Year: 1960
Body: Convertible
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: LHD


In 1960 Porsche introduced the 356B model and with a change in body design known as the T5 type. That came in three body styles. The Coupe , Cabriolet and the most sort after of all the Roadster. This replaced the Convertible D model which in-turn had replaced the speedster. The roadster has all the good looks of the speedster but with added benefits of wind-up windows and up-rated mechanicals. The 356 B had a number of engine options this being the increased horsepower version -the 'Super 90'.

A left hand drive model recently imported and subjected to a major restoration. Exhaustive bills describe in detail the work carried out resulting in a prime example of the rare and desirable model. Fabulous.

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