1970 Fiat Abarth 695 SS (Evocazione) For Sale
Price: POA
Contact: +442080334753
Website: http://www.classiccarcompany.eu
Company: The Classic Car Company (11)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: United Kingdom
Date listed: 08-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1951 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
Of all the performance-oriented models created by Karl Abarth, it is perhaps the 695 SS that best represents the scorpion-branded firm’s collaboration with Fiat. Around 1,000 Fiat Abarth 695 SS were produced, and only 150 genuine cars are believed to remain.
Abarth introduced his 695 SS version in 1966. The rear-engine Fiat 500 was the basis of the project. When compared to the production version of the 500, aesthetically you will note the 695 was virtually identical except for the logo, badge on the radiator grille and the coat-of-arms on both sides of the car. The 695 SS was the only version to feature flared arches, and the need to raise the engine cover for extra stability and cooling.
Like all Abarths, the key differences are found in the mechanical upgrades that pushed its top speed to around 90mph. The two cylinders, exhaust pipe, head and valve-springs were upgraded and specially designed pistons and camshaft fitted. The original single carburettor was increased in size as well. With so few models remaining, commanding such high prices, an evocazione (replica) provides just as much driving joy, at far better value.
The Classic Car Company specialises in building replica Abarth models, to the same blueprint as Karl Abarth used back in the 1960s:
- Fiat 500F or 500L used as base car.
- Bodywork taken back to bare metal. Wide arches fitted. Full respray in period correct paint. All correct decals and badges added. New roof fitted.
- Interior striped and replaced with new trim. Abarth binnacle fitted. Abarth 3 spoke steering wheel fitted. Period sports seats fitted.
- New 650cc engine fitted, with Abarth modifications to head, valve springs, exhaust and carburettor.
- Upgraded sports suspension fitted.
- Upgraded front disc brakes fitted.
Please get in touch to discuss the Abarth we can build for you.