1960 Bentley S2 Continental Flying Spur For Sale
Price: £117,500.00
Contact: +447887722400
Website: http://www.terencemorleyclassiccars.co.uk
Company: Terence Morley Classic Cars (14)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Kent, United Kingdom
Date listed: 08-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1951 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
1960 Bentley S2 Continental Flying Spur
by H J Mulliner. Chassis Number BC138AR. Finished in dark blue coachwork with parchment leather interior trim. This lovely continental has recently benefitted from a complete bare metal re-paint to a high standard. The interior trim is original to the car and in excellent condition throughout. All door cappings and dashboard removed and refinished to a very high standard. The headlining is West of England cloth and in perfect condition and the carpets have been recently replaced. Mechanically the car is in very good order with a comprehensive service history. Just the car for long continental rallies and touring holidays. This is a most pleasing and rare car at a very realistic price of £117,500.