1967 Austin Healey 3000 MKIII Convertible For Sale
Price: £44,750.00
Contact: +447887722400
Website: http://www.terencemorleyclassiccars.co.uk
Company: Terence Morley Classic Cars (14)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Kent, United Kingdom
Date listed: 08-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1956 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
1967 Austin Healey 3000 MKIII Convertible
Manual with overdrive. This lovely Austin Healey is finished in Colorado Red with black interior trim and black hood. It was originally supplied to America and re-imported to the UK by its present owner in 1996. At that point it was professionally converted to right hand drive. This is a very original car and not restored. It has had paint work and a new hood fitted and has been well maintained by its present owner for the last twenty two years. On the road it responds well in all aspects and makes for a very pleasant driving experience. The chrome work, bodywork, underside and interior are all in very good order and the engine is smooth running and pulls well. She is ready for a season of tours and rallies.