1929 Lincoln Model L Limousine For Sale
Price: £57,750.00
Contact: +447887722400
Website: http://www.terencemorleyclassiccars.co.uk
Company: Terence Morley Classic Cars (14)
Seller type : Dealer
Location: Kent, United Kingdom
Date listed: 08-09-2019
Uploaded / Last Updated: 1956 day(s) ago
Vehicle Specifics
1929 Lincoln Model L Limousine
Right hand drive. Chassis number 56868. Delivered new to the UK and registered on 8th May 1929 to its first owner Mr Edward Philip Andreae of Tandridge Court, Oxted, Surrey. This delightful Lincoln is finished in black with maroon side panels and buff cloth trim to the rear compartment and black leather to the front. The entire car is brimming with correct period fittings - too many to mention and it has had a very sheltered and well cared for life. The present owner has cherished her for the last fifty years. The mileage is approximately 87,000 and is warranted by an encyclopaedic history file that dates back to 1929. On the road the car responds very well in all departments thus making for a very pleasing driving experience. This car has to be seen to be appreciated.