Kingsley Restored 1977 Range Rover 2 Door in Bahama Gold For Sale

Price: £125,000.00

Contact: +441865884488


Company: Kingsley Cars Limited (2)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Date listed: 05-09-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1960 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Land Rover
Model: Range Rover
Year: 1977
Body: Estate
Transmission: Automatic
Driver's side: RHD


1977 RHD Range Rover 2 Door Suffix D - Kingsley Nut & Bolt Restoration.

A stunning 'future proofed' restoration of a Suffix D Range Rover 2 Door available now.

We took a very nice Range Rover which had lived most of its life in central Paris, dismantled it fully to the bodyshell, took it back to bare metal, cut out all of the corrosion, seamlessly butt welded new metal in, rubberised the high impact ares in order to protect it from corroding in the future and then painted the shell in two pack direct gloss Bahama Gold.

The chassis, axles and running gear was media blasted to bare metal and refinished in Rustbusters award winning Epoxy Mastic 121 which is exceptionally durable.

The alloy outer body panels were taken back to bare metal, had all signs of corrosion removed with new alloy sections seamlessly TIG welded in, panel beaten, the insides rubberised to stop alloy to steel contact, slowing electrolytic corrosion and then painted in Bahama Gold. The exterior of the outer panels were then straightened and painted to a very high standard.

We aquablast cleaned and fully rebuilt the engine, the carbs, the gearbox/transfer box, axles and replaced the whole of the braking system inc lines, master and slave cylinder, calipers, discs and pads. Replaced the fuel tank, pump and fuel lines. Restored the Rostyle wheels, fitting new tubes and tyres.

The whole of the interior has been retrimmed in the correct period Palomino PVC, the rooflining remade as well as the door cards, spare wheel and tool cover - it's really quite a special car!

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