1982 Ferrari 512BBi LHD For Sale For Sale

Price: £199,995.00

Contact: +442080334874

Website: http://www.HexagonClassics.com

Company: Hexagon Classics (80)

Seller type : Dealer

Location: United Kingdom

Date listed: 30-08-2019

Uploaded / Last Updated: 1966 day(s) ago

Vehicle Specifics

Make: Ferrari
Model: 512
Year: 1982
Body: Coupe
Transmission: Manual
Driver's side: LHD




Hexagon Classics are very pleased to offer this delightful example of the Ferrari 512 BBi, which was originally supplied to Mr Giuseppe Brizzi by Autocentrale Ferrari, Perugia, Italy in November 1982.

The 512 BBi is called by some “the flagship of the Ferrari fleet”, by others “Ferrari’s Macho Missile”, but perhaps regarded by all as the last of the Supercars. The first mid-engined, flat-12 cylinder road car to be produced.

At the Ferrari factory, Dr Bellei took charge of the overall design, and Dr de Angelis the engine design and development. The 512’s 4943cc engine lies longitudinally behind the driver, mounted above the 5-speed gearbox. The twin overhead camshafts per bank of cylinders produces a maximum power output of 340 bhp at 6,000 rpm. In 1982 the Bosch K-Jetronic injection system replaced the Weber carburettors, transforming the car’s reliability. It’s engine really is its heart and soul.

The 512 BBi’s history file contains a myriad of invoices evidencing historic and recent maintenance. Our 512 BBi also has its original Ferrari woven wallet pack with handbooks and service book and has its original tools. The car has now been UK registered.
Cars that are this original, with low mileage. rarely come onto the market. This remarkable 512 BBi is available to inspect at our London showrooms.

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